Powerful new features, services and plugins for your store
With this application you will be able to create additional opportunities for your products and enable clients to customize their products by adding a file, photo, text, gift wrapping to the products and more. You can apply the product options to create different types of opportunities to the end customer to a specific product, category or brand.
With the CSV Import application you will be able to upload a large number of products at once, for which you already have all the necessary information gathered in this CSV format. In addition to uploading new products, CSV functionality also allows updating the product catalog.
R-Keeper е предназначена за заведения за хранене - от малки кафенета с един касов терминал до големи ресторанти с няколко зали.Системата R-Keeper отдавна се e утвърдила на пазара на ресторантьорския бизнес като най-удобен и надежден програмен продукт за автоматизиране дейността в тази сфера.
"Vali Computers" is one of the leading IT companies in Bulgaria. They are a leader with 30 years in the information technology market and proven reliabilty. The company is an official importer of over 85 brands of high-tech products and is distinguished by a wide product range with over 10,000 active items. "Valley Computers" Ltd. owns a partner company with seven own offices in the country and direct sales outlets in other settlements, which ensures national coverage.Thanks to the integration that CloudCart has with Vali Computers, you can start selling products from the company's rich catalog in your store in a few easy steps.